Zanzibar Election Commission ZEC announced in the Zanzibar official News paper its decision of cancelling Zanzibar 25 0ctober general election
Zanzibar Election Commission ZEC announced in the Zanzibar official News paper its decision of cancelling Zanzibar 25 0ctober general election
According to newspaper CXXIV announcement Number 6587, 6 November, 2015 , the decision was issued by ZEC chairman Jecha Salim Jecha ,according to section 119(10) and sections 3(1)and 5(a) election law Number 11, 1984.
Either the announcement Number 130 ,signed by 0n 28 October, 2015 said ZEC decision of holding the new election would be announce later
ZEC statement comes two weeks after ZEC chairmen announced the cancellation of Zanzibar election ,carried out in the 54 Unguja and Pemba constituencies,due to a number of irregularities discovered in the election.
ZEC chairman announced the election cancellation ,by saying he was obliged to take such decision after discovering a number of loopholes including differences occurred between ZEC members leading to fighting one another, he said.
A number of mistakes were found in the election including number of voters were great including those who were really registered in permanent voter register, as many of them failed to go and collect the IDs, he explained.
Other loophole he announced is some main CUF political party to announce that it had won the election, against election ethics, which sates that it is only ZEC which is responsible, to announce election results.
The day of re-run the election in Zanzibar is expected to be announced any time between now.
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